There is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express.
..... missing u a lot
But,there are always two choices
You can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared and cherish his memories and let it live on.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what he'd want, smile, be happy, succeed, and move forward in life.
I am trying hard to follow the latter.
Ref: Poem "She is gone" by DAVID HARKINS
..... missing u a lot
But,there are always two choices
You can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that he'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him,
or you can be full of the love you shared and cherish his memories and let it live on.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what he'd want, smile, be happy, succeed, and move forward in life.
I am trying hard to follow the latter.
Ref: Poem "She is gone" by DAVID HARKINS
You moved me to tears.. This is beautiful and your exactly right with the last line.
Harini.. I didn't know you read my blog
Thanks for your comments.
I am in tears too!!! He will be so proud of you, Dr. Rahima! Am sure he is seeing you from some place and enjoying your success! You rock on, gal! Parents are the one and only people you can rely on even if you do anything worst..they will support you saying you were ingorant about it.
Well...i can understand...but for a while i starting to look at what is the ''essence in living'' or ''purpose of living''...and in the context of this post i started to look at what is ''essence of Living'' when death is ''INEVITABLE''...
Death is like a dreamless sleep, from which one never wakes up..and one is in ''No consciousness'' or is deemed to be ''Unconscious''...Any one born in this world has to die..some die early., some die is a race to death... talking about Birth of first existence of life...a scientific reason is that it is accidental collocation of atoms.Both individually and collectively, human beings came into existence due to accidents of chance. As individuals our existence was made possible by the reproductive success of our ancestors; as a species our existence was predicated by chance mutations which happened to confer an adaptive advantage to our evolutionary ancestors in the environments in which they found themselves
Having said this...what comes to my mind is ...What is the point in living? when you are going to die any way...whats the essence or purpose or goal we talk about in lives in the context of having known reality about inevitable death....its also called ''having the end in mind''...what difference does it make what we do in our lives..any ways we all are going to die...we may influence others...we may make this world a better place for other to live...but all of them are going to die any way...ones legacy will also go after few one would know you...our remains become fossils...and will form in to other species.( if conditions are favorable) this goes to the extent that human beings would also become extinct at some point....thats the end..these thought put us in despair...having said this.. we are looking at ''purpose or essence of living'' in the context of 'death'... a small thought shows that it is irrelevant to talk about death when we want to look at purpose of living...the reason is...what if some one was immortal...who would never die....i guess even he would have the same question ''what is my purpose of living''...
I feel there are two ''my purpose of living''
One fine morning, while i was at IITM, while on a walk with one of my colleagues, in early hours of morning , we had this discussion...whats the purpose of living...why are we sitting whole night and working on codes like mad dogs..where does this lead colleague who was an year younger to me and a masters student....i feel had understood this to an extent....he said ..look raj...all of us want our families to grow...generation after generation..we may become extinct...the species has to evolve...something like Darwins theory in a ''global' when we look at it at a individual level..the real purpose is to ''propogate''
having said this...then why do we have to work? ...
why do we have to learn? why improve our knowledge?
Society is associated with extinction because, the society that we have today, will not be there few generations later.There is a point in developing character and increasing knowledge before death overtakes us: to provide peace of mind and intellectual satisfaction to our lives and to the lives of those we care about for their own sake because pursuing these goals enriches our lives. From the fact that death is inevitable it does not follow that nothing we do matters now. On the contrary, our lives matter a great deal to us. If they did not, we would not find the idea of our own death so distressing--it wouldn't matter that our lives will come to an end. The fact that we're all eventually going to die has no relevance to whether our activities are worthwhile in the here and now: For an ill patient in a hospital a doctor's efforts to alleviate pain certainly does matter despite the fact that 'in the end' both the doctor and the patient (and ultimately all life in the universe) will be dead.
What makes our lives meaningful is that we find the activities we engage in to be worthwhile. Our determination to carry out projects we have created for ourselves gives our lives meaning. We feel that life is meaningless when most of our desires which we regard as important are frustrated. Whether we regard life as meaningful or meaningless depends on the degree to which our important desires are frustrated. The judgments that we make about our lives on these points are the same regardless of whether one's life is eternal or not or whether it is part of a greater purpose or not. Perhaps the secret to a meaningful life is to focus on those desires which we can fulfill and diminish those which we cannot--provided that we know the difference between the two.
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